Squamish Nation Training

Service to Safety
with ARETE Training

November 22 (Tuesday)
at 8:30 am

Class length
210 minutes

ARETE Service to SafetyTM | Workplace Violence Prevention

Customized Training

Duration: 3.5 hours

Location: In-Person, HR Classroom

This comprehensive training provides team members with the practical skills and confidence to professionally respond to and safely manage the continuum of client/public behaviours including anger, verbal abuse, hostility, and threats/acts of violence.

  • ARETE Awareness and Threat Assessment
  • De-escalation Strategies and Best Practices
  • Recognition of Warning Signs
  • Safe Disengagement Strategies
  • Managing our Response
  • Pre-planning, Co-worker Support and Trade off
  • Response to Profanity, Abuse and Threats
  • Personal Safety Concepts and Strategies
  • Use of Barriers
  • One on One Meeting Safety
  • Managing Client Conduct Issues (in office)
  • Home Visit Safety (where applicable)
  • Lock Down
  • Contacting the Police


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